A pesky bug in Call of Duty: Vanguard is making players invincible during online multiplayer matches.
For the most part, Call of Duty: Vanguard has launched in an admirable state. Aside from some maps having questionable spawn points, to say the least, the game is running remarkably well for most players.
However, some players are starting to uncover some game breaking bugs that are ruining the experience of online matches. One clip has surfaced on Reddit of a player experiencing total invulnerability while in a match of Das Haus. Watch the clip for yourself below!
Who’s there?
At the moment, it’s unclear as to what is triggering this bug to occur. The player who posted the clip notes that they weren’t invincible from the start of the match – they did have a few deaths to their name. However, they noticed that they had become invincible when they started to quickly rack up more high kill streaks than usual. You can see in the clip that multiple enemies are firing upon them, only to deal zero damage.
Some comments are accusing the player of hacking, but the original poster insists that they aren’t. It does seem bizarre that a player would openly record themselves hacking and then post it online under the guise of a bug.
There are a few other cases of this bug occurring on Reddit, but not enough for it to be a widespread issue. It’s unclear as to what’s causing the invincibility bug to occur, which makes it hard for the team at Sledgehammer to diagnose the problem.
Vanguard hasn’t been totally without its bugs since launch. Last week, Sledgehammer had to put its ‘Secrets of the Pacific’ event on pause while it caused endless crashes on PS5. Meanwhile, the inaugural Season 1 of Vanguard and Warzone is set to begin in less then two weeks time. Here’s everything you need to know about it.
Have you encountered this invincible bug in Call of Duty: Vanguard? Let us know across our social channels.
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[Featured Image Credit: Activision]