The UK Might Be Getting A Royal Mint NFT

Her Majesty’s Treasury has announced a a Royal Mint NFT, claiming that the UK government is looking to increase cryptoassets in the country..

The announcement came from the Twitter account of HM Treasury. The statement reads: “Chancellor Rishi Sunak has asked Royal Mint to create an NFT to be issued by the summer. This decision shows the forward-looking approach we are determined to take towards cryptoassets in the UK”

There’s no real indication as to what exactly this is going to be useful for. It’s not like NFT’s are a useful asset for the country, or that they can solve the current heating and food crisis that’s sweeping the nation. All they’re really good for is allowing rich people to flex how easily they can waste money on absolutely nothing worthwhile and how much they actively hate the environment and actual artistic value.

NFT’s are of course a massive scam. They’re pieces of usually vile art that are artificially boosted in value by people desperate to sell them for large amounts of money. In general, they contribute very little to the general community. They actually do more harm than good to the world, heavily contributing to the destruction of our planet.

What do you think about the Royal Mint NFT? Let us know across our social channels.

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Featured Image Credit: UK Government