What is Super Alexa Mode – Everything You Need To Know

Often, when filling your home with fun devices, you might hear about Easter eggs that happen to be in your device. If you use anything powered by Alexa, I am sure you will slowly find lots of different hidden features, left there just for one. One of those features is called Super Alexa Mode, which isn’t practical but is loads of fun! 

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What is Super Alexa Mode?

The simple answer is that this mode is an Easter egg, a silly reply to the famous Konami Code or Contra Code, and has Alexa respond with a League of Legends reference. If you’re a gamer, you just know what Alexa is talking about. If you are not, then that’s fine, and this feature probably doesn’t matter to you anyway.

This code was first used in Konami’s Gradius for the NES but was more popularized from Contra, which was released a year later. You could enter this code in the title screen to get 30 lives – and with Contra being a challenging game, having the code really helped you to actually be able to play the game. In more recent gaming history, this code has been found in loads of different video games and forms of tech as a hidden cheat code, for fun. 

What is Super Alexa Mode
Credit: Konami

How to enter Super Alexa Mode

If you want to activate Super Alexa Mode, you just need to tell your Alexa powered speaker the following:

Alexa, up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, Start.

If you say this exactly right, Alexa will give a long response saying:

“Super Alexa mode activated. Starting reactors… online. Enabling advanced systems… online. Raising dongers. Error. Dongers missing. Aborting.”

This is in reference to Imaqtipie, a League of Legends Twitch Streamer who famously uses a champion that he calls Donger. He popularized the catchphrase “raise your dongers” on Twitch and through the rest of the League of Legends community. 

Alexa might also just say that they have given you power-ups. It’s entirely up to the machine. If you get the phrase slightly wrong, Alexa will let you know that you are so close. You’ll then be invited to try again. 

Did you manage to get Super Alexa Mode working? Let us know on Twitter!

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