This Handy Training Tool Will Elevate Your Valorant Performance

We’ve all been there – down in the dumps after losing match after match, wondering where it all went wrong and if you’ll ever improve. If we’ve learned anything from our years of playing competitive shooters, it’s that practice really does make perfect. In fact, that’s even the advice that Team NAVI’s Doki gave us when we recently interviewed him.

If you want to take your practice to the next level, there are some tools out there that can provide a deeper insight into your match statistics and elevate your training. One of these tools is, a web app that hooks into your Riot Games account and provides accurate reports on any data you could possibly want.

Personal Stat Analysis

Using your Riot Games account to log in, the homepage of will be filled with a list of score reports. Each report will show a bunch of data from every match you’ve ever played of Valorant. There’s datasets for your Kill/Death ratio, Kills Per Round, Combat Score, Headshot Ratio and much more.

While it’s possible to view some of this data within the official Valorant client, Riot doesn’t provide quite as much information as Blitz does and certainly doesn’t present it as cleanly. In addition, Valorant’s career match history only goes back so far, showing just the previous ten matches that you’ve played. Blitz can model data from your entire Valorant career.

It’s possible to filter this data via a number of different presets. Using these filters, you can see which Agents are your strongest, which maps are your weakest, and which weapons could use some more practice with.

For example, I can see from my data that I only have a 37.5% win rate when I pick Sova, whereas I win more frequently with Brimstone at a 60% win rate. Using this information, I know that I need to work on improving my performance with Sova’s abilities. I also know that picking Brimstone might be a smart choice in important scenarios like rank-up matches.

Please don’t judge my statistics, I am fully aware that Valorant is not my strong point! [Image Credit:]

Per-Agent Strategy Guides (with videos!)

To help you improve with each Agent, Blitz offers an extensive library of training videos with Agent specific strategies. You can browse them all in a list, but the best way to try them out is using the map view. This displays a bunch of icons across each of the five available maps showing the locations for where each strategy can be practiced.

By clicking on an icon, a short video will play that shows exactly how to use an Agents ability to achieve a certain goal. There’s also a written description provided with each guide to further help you understand how to pull off each move and understand what the goal of the strategy is.

For example, there are several locations highlighted where Sage can effectively throw a Slowing Orb, or Sova can pop off a devastating shock arrow. Each strategy spot is graded from Beginner level right the way up to Pro, so you can start small and work your way up to becoming the esports professional you were born to be.

[Image Credit:]

Use these guides in conjunction with the data sets that Blitz provides and you’ll soon be on the way to mastering each of Valorant Agents in no time.

Headshot Gallery

If you read our recent guide on how to improve your aim in any shooter, then you’ll know that crosshair positioning is half of the battle when it comes to landing swift one-taps.

Each of the Agents in Valorant have fairly similar dimensions, meaning that their hitboxes are all pretty much the same. Even so, it can be tricky to know exactly what height to keep your cursor at when holding a tricky angle.

Blitz has an extensive Headshot Gallery which features screenshots and diagrams of how to hold almost any angle on any of the available maps. You can filter between each map and even sort them via the range that you’d like to practise with. It’s a much less glamorous way of learning in comparison to the slick video guides, but crosshair positioning is still an important aspect of Valorant. If you can’t hit shots, it’s much harder to win the rounds.

Handy diagrams shows the range of each scenario [Image Credit:]

The gallery is mostly useful for learning about how to hold an angle that you particularly struggle with – I wouldn’t recommend spending your evenings poring over each and every angle in the game. Crosshair positioning eventually comes with experience and practice, so if you play enough Valorant, you likely won’t find this section as helpful as the beginners. 

If I have one piece of constructive criticism for Blitz, it’s that it would be nice to see the Headshot Gallery laid out in a similar map format to the Agent guides. This would make finding images of specific angles much easier.

Sponsored Guide Content

If all of the other guide content isn’t enough for you, there’s also some sponsored guides featured within the app. Logitech has teamed up with Blitz to provide a series of guides aimed at helping beginners get to grips with basic mechanics.

At the time of writing, there’s currently five guides available to read. Some of them are fairly introductory, describing how the shooting mechanics work and providing some advice on how to choose the best weapon for each scenario. Others get more in-depth and describe how to pull off some one-way smokes and how to execute Site Retake strategies.

They’re all smartly presented with an index and several diagrams to help you navigate the interface. While the other training features of Blitz allow you to get specific and targeted with your training, these sponsored guides offer some good advice for those who are looking for more general tips.

There’s a Pro version on the way

Blitz is currently free to use. It’s available via a web-app, or you can download and install a desktop version – both offer the same functionality. Blitz is free to use though a paid version of the platform is on the way in the form of ‘Blitz Pro’. The paid version will offer an ad-free experience and also mentions an in-game overlay function.

An in-game overlay is currently available in Blitz for League of Legends, but not Valorant just yet. It’s possible that we could see this functionality added later down the line.

Professional players are already partnered with the Blitz platform and are using it to improve their own performance. Sentinels player Tyson ‘TenZ’ Ngo recently entered partnered with the platform, claiming that the app was showing more accurate statistics than those in the native Valorant client.

If you’re looking for other ways to improve your performance in Valorant, we’ve recently published in-depth guides for both Astra and Yoru.

Will you be using Blitz to train yourself at Valorant? Let us know across our social channels.

[Feature Image Credit: Riot Games]