Sniper Elite 4 Will Take Place During World War 2 And Feature 1080p Graphics on PS4 & Xbox One

The English developer Rebellion has announced that one of the best sniper games, Sniper Elite 4 will be released in 2016. Rebellion Developments was founded in 1992, with dozens of titles in their catalogue, including Alien vs Predator games dating back to the mid nineties.

They’ve also got another game in the pipeline called Battlezone which looks like it’ll be available for VR headsets, but for now let’s talk Sniper Elite 4.


The Sniper Elite series has sold over 10 million games, and the latest entry into the series hopes to set the bar even higher.

Sniper Elite 4 will take place right where the 3rd instalment in the series left off, leaving players in Italy in 1943. We’re not here to give you a history lesson, but needless to say you’ll be fighting alongside the Italian Resistance against the rise of the Nazis.


This game will run natively at 1080p and 60 frames per second on both Xbox One and PS4. Sniper Elite 4 will also be released for PC, where it will run at however many frames per second you want it to.

It’ll include an epic, bone-chilling campaign along with several multiplayer modes so that you can stamp out the Nazis with a buddy.

Here’s a look at the trailer that just launched:

YouTube video

Just based on this teaser, the art work and setting look incredible, and fans of the series know what to expect gameplay wise.

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