They should just make it free to play and offer perks for people that paid for the game. That’s the only way to stop the bleeding.
— GTMedia Reviews (@jemalistrash) December 22, 2018
Turning your existing game to the free-to-play model can be a bit of a sore spot for existing players, who often feel cheated for having paid for the game originally. Usually, players who’ve paid for the title before the change are gifted with something. This is exactly what Pachter is predicting will happen for Overwatch.

Is Overwatch really gonna be free to play?! If it is, I’m just gonna stop playing.
— Taylor Davis (@TaylorD85561345) January 4, 2019
Pachter’s predictions don’t end with Overwatch though, as he also believes that Call Of Duty Blackout might also be going free-to-play, possibly to help advertise the next core game in the franchise.

The reason why these predictions are particularly interesting is that Pachter is usually right with his estimations. He believed that COD would get its own battle royale mode before its announcement last year…
Lol over 500,000 VAC bans on CSGO after it went free to play 😂😂
— (YouTube) LKGamer123 (@thelkgamer123) January 4, 2019
Would you want to see Overwatch and Blackout go free-to-play?