Overwatch And COD: Blackout Could Be Going Free-To-Play Next Year

The massive success of free-to-play games that rely solely on microtransactions appears to have prompted more games companies to look into making their titles free – at least according to one industry analyst.
Wedbush Securities’ Michael Pachter wrote about the topic for GamesIndustry, where he stated: “I think that the 18 Overwatch League owners have been assured by Blizzard that it will expand the audience for Overwatch.
Credit: Blizzard
“The most expedient way to do this is to make the core game free-to-play in order to attract tens of millions of new users, who ostensibly will convert to OWL viewers.”
So why is this so important?

Turning your existing game to the free-to-play model can be a bit of a sore spot for existing players, who often feel cheated for having paid for the game originally. Usually, players who’ve paid for the title before the change are gifted with something. This is exactly what Pachter is predicting will happen for Overwatch.

Credit: Activision

Pachter’s predictions don’t end with Overwatch though, as he also believes that Call Of Duty Blackout might also be going free-to-play, possibly to help advertise the next core game in the franchise.

Credit: Activision

The reason why these predictions are particularly interesting is that Pachter is usually right with his estimations. He believed that COD would get its own battle royale mode before its announcement last year…

Would you want to see Overwatch and Blackout go free-to-play?