Players have uncovered an unintentional bug in Valorant that serves as a buff to the character Viper [via DOT Esports].
YouTuber ‘Swoopy’ originally discovered that players standing within a Viper smoke will see a different animation when it dissipates compared to those standing on the outside of it. This allows players hiding inside of the smoke to see enemies on the outside slightly earlier than their opponent.

The tactic has now been dubbed the ‘Swoop Peek’, named after Swoopy, the person who discovered it.
Users on Reddit have edited together a comparison with the other smokes available to use in Valorant. All of the other smokes disappear at the exact same time for every player, no matter their location.
The advantage gained by smoke dwelling players is marginal – less than half a second at 350ms. 350ms is a huge amount of time for players at pro levels to notice a difference.
In fact, the founder of the ‘Swoop Peek’ reckons that the tactic has already been used at a pro-level. In a video uploaded to their YouTube channel, Swoopy highlights that team Koldamenta looks to have used the Swoop Peek to secure an OT [overtime] round and consequently win the European Masters tournament.
Watch it below!
The tactic definitely seems to be unintentional as Riot Games usually publish changes like these in their extensive patch notes.
Riot is yet to comment on the existence of the Swoop Peek, but will likely remove it in an upcoming patch.
We recently published an extensive guide to the newest Agent, Astra.
Will you be using this tactic to overpower your opponents in Valorant? Let us know across our social channels.
[Featured Image Credit: Riot Games]