Virtual fists were flung as drama recently erupted across Twitter between the Esports Historian, Duncan “Thorin” Shields, and Astralis CEO, Nikolaj Nyholm.
The story goes that Thorin and Nyholm got into an argument across social media because of some behind the scenes conversation, in which Thorin professes that Astralis had committed to being part of FLASHPOINT and have let them down.
FLASHPOINT is a new CSGO esports tournament that’s headed by Thorin as Creative Director and a wealth of other legendary esports organisations, like: Cloud9, MIBR, Dignitas, GenG, c0ntact Gaming and Mad Lions. It’s concept is simple: teams co-own the league and share in its success.
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We’ve waited for the dust to settle on this one before we weighed in as there has been a lot of drama in the esports industry recently, what with the ESL debacle in late 2019. If you don’t know what went down, ESL reportedly cut HALF of their pro teams from 48 to 24 without officially informing the lost players first, which obviously upset a few people. You can read more about it here.
Thorin is known for his somewhat unorthodox personality, so it’s no surprise to us that he took to Twitter to broadcast his dismay.
If you were called out on Twitter, what would you do? Not doubt respond…but Nyholm took it to the extreme with his string of vicious Tweets responding to Thorin’s claims. The most potent of these Tweets was Nyholm testifying that neither he nor his team had ever had any personal dealings with Thorin and had only signed a terms agreement, detailing that their involvement with the new league was dependent on two other top teams being signed. So basically, Astralis gave FLASHPOINT a promise ring which turned into a candy ring when FLASHPOINT supposedly didn’t hold up their end of the bargain.
Of course, you can never know what goes on behind closed doors and we’re not to judge who’s right and who’s wrong. All that we can hope for is that FLASHPOINT kicks off with that bang it sold us on when we went to its unveiling a couple of weeks ago. The league really does have some well-respected esports names taking part, so we look forward to the coming weeks when FLASHPOINT has been promised to launch.
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