Will Apex’s new Legend be overpowered? Developer of Apex Legends, Respawn Entertainment, has addressed potential Seer balancing worries.
The latest season of Apex Legends is upon us, and that means it is time for a new Legend. The newest addition to the roster of 18 Legends is Seer. We got a snapshot of Seer’s new abilities in the latest gameplay trailer.
Seer looks like the perfect addition to the line-up of Legends, but what we saw of his abilities left some room for clarification. Titled the “Focus of Attention”, Seer’s ability will call the help of microdrones to spot out enemies.
Sound familiar? That’s because these abilities draw an immediate comparison to Bloodhound’s “Eye of the Allfather”. However, where the two differ is that Seer’s ability will not just highlight targets, but also cancel their use of healing items.
The cancelling of healing items is a tactical ability that sounds like it has potential to be overpowered, but Lead Game Designer Daniel Klien on Apex eased concerns on Twitter. Klein mentioned the “super high precision” nature of Seer’s scan in comparison to Bloodhound. So while the new tactical is powerful, it isn’t a blanket scan like Bloodhound’s.
Continuing, Klein then elaborated that players will have “plenty of warning” for Seer’s tactical. Being caught by the tactical means players will be revealed for a “real long time”.
There will likely be some kind of teething process with the new Legend – there always is. But to back Klein up even further John Larson, the Live Balance Design spoke up on Reddit:
“That’s what I’m here for. If Rampage or Seer are busted out of the gate, we adjust quickly with a hotfix.”
Respawn have done a fantastic job in the past to balance close to twenty Legends who all play off each other. Luckily, we only have another week to wait, as Seer will arrive in Apex Legends with the launch of Emergence on August 3rd.
Does the balancing of Seer have you worried? Let us know on our social channels!
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Feature Image Credit: EA/ Respawn Entertainment