Battlefield 4 Final Stand DLC Delayed

EA recently revealed that the upcoming Battlefield Hardline video game would be delayed. Because of the delay, it seems that the Final Stand DLC for Battlefield 4 has been pushed back until later this year. EA CEO Andrew Wilson held an investor call yesterday where he stated that the Final Stand DLC for Battlefield 4 … Read more

Battlefield 4 Dragon’s Teeth DLC Gameplay

A new gameplay video releases for the upcoming Battlefield 4 Dragon’s Teeth DLC. Take a look at the video down below. The DLC contains the following: Features Five new Trophies Chainlink Gamemode Eleven new Assignments Maps Lumphini Garden Pearl Market Propaganda Sunken Dragon Weapons DEagle 44 Unica 6 CS5 MPX Bulldog Gadgets Ballistic Shield R.A.W.R.

Battlefield 4 Dragon Teeth Teaser

Dice releases new teaser for upcoming Dragon Teeth for Battlefield 4. Watch the teaser down below and see what all the DLC will come with. Dragon Teeth for Battlefield 4 will take players into the cites of Asia which are being under control by the People’s Liberation Army. The DLC contains the following: Features Five … Read more

Battlefield 4 Free Tomorrow For PS3 PS Plus Subscribers

PS Plus subscribers who happen to have a PlayStation 3 without a copy of Battlefield 4 from DICE will get a chance to play the game for free tomorrow. News broke that for a full day, Battlefield 4 will be free on the PlayStation 3. The game will only be available for 20 hours on the PlayStation 3 … Read more

Battlefield 4 Review

Falling skyscrapers, thunderous effects and super graphics; EA finally outdid themselves! So, the main selling point of both next gen rivals, Sony’s Playstation 4 and Microsoft’s X-Bone was that they were taking games literally further in terms of graphics. I can’t speak for Microsoft in terms of how far they’ve taken graphics (probably around the corner for a kebab), … Read more

Guns, Cash and Eight Year Old Boys

From falling skyscrapers to fish that move out your way, first person shooters have started to fall into two categories; the ones that you can’t tear your eyes from and the disappointing. With the next generation consoles released games have understandably increased in their pricing. But why? It has been a substantial while since famous … Read more

Battlefield 4: Dragon’s Teeth DLC Screenshot

DICE has released the first screenshot for Battlefield 4 upcoming DLC Dragon’s Teeth. Check out the screenshot and also see what Dragon’s Teeth will contain when released. The upcoming Battlefield 4: Dragon’s Teeth will be the fourth expansion pack for the video game. A number of additional content will be added which includes maps, weapons, gadgets and … Read more