First Images From The Monster Hunter Movie Have People Raging

“Hey, that was a great movie based on my favourite video game!” said no-one, ever, because video game movies tend to be a little…awful. Now don’t get me wrong, there are one or two out there that don’t completely cr*p on beloved franchises, but generally speaking, it’s pretty damn hard to get a video game … Read more

Here are Some Movies Based on Videogames Coming Out in 2016

With many games nowadays gaining popularity beyond the gaming community, it was only a matter of time before the movie industry started to turn their attention towards this growing trend in the attempt to make some cash of the backs of already established franchises. Today we are going to be listing several movies based on … Read more

Four Movies That Should Be Turned Into Video Games

There have been a lot of movies based on video games. There is the upcoming Uncharted movie, world of Warcraft and some other video game movie that Uwe Boll is going to direct. For whatever reason, video game movies do not work well. It is hard to truly understand why this is. Some might say … Read more