Fish Plays Pokemon – You Read That Correctly

Twitch has some very interest concepts lately the most memorable one has to be Twitch Plays Pokemon. Kicking off from the successful title and gameplay comes Fish Plays Pokemon. Yep, you read that correctly, a live fish is playing Pokemon with 20k viewers watching. Grayson Hopper, a living goldfish in a dormitory is playing Pokemon, … Read more

Twitch Interesting In PS Vita Integration

Twitch is a streaming service that I’m sure most of us are familiar with. The service recently became accessible to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Gamers can finally stream and watch their favorite video games right from their consoles. Though we may see Twitch hit the mobile market soon on the PlayStation 4 and … Read more

Sony Sells over 6 Million PS4’s Worldwide

The PlayStation 4 has proven to be a strong competitor in the next generation of gaming. The strong sales in Japan was the push that Sony needed to reach to the top. On March 2nd, Sony announced that they have sold six million PS4 consoles in 57 countries, all across the world. The president and … Read more

PS4’s Interactive Broadcasting Feature will Change the Way You Game

It is a feature that takes broadcasting games, to a whole other level. It is something that people are not aware of, and has been around ever since the PS4 launched. Interactive broadcasting also known as Broadcast+ is when a player can livestream their game and the viewers can interact with the player by making the game … Read more

Sony Shares PS4 Share Button Streaming Numbers

SCEE Blog Manager Fred Dutton has announced on the European PS blog that around 8 lac gameplay broadcasts and over 7.1 million viewing sessions have been registered through Twitch and Ustream. The final number adds up to a staggering 20 million minutes of live gameplay streamed via PS4 units, worldwide. Some more interesting stats: According … Read more

Twitch Archiving Planned for PlayStation 4

Livestreaming has never been easier thanks to the PlayStation 4 and its share button. Though at present a major feature is missing from their Twitch services, archiving. Sony has confirmed to Joystiq that they are “planning to add [Twitch] livestream archiving in the future” to the PlayStation 4. At present all PS4 Twtich streams can … Read more