Destiny 2 Vidoc Shows New Footage From The Witch Queen

A new vidoc from Bungie shows more of what to expect from the upcoming Destiny 2 expansion, The Witch Queen. The vidoc was released on Bungie’s YouTube channel, and as always, it shows developers discussing the latest expansion. Bungie are known for doing these vidocs whenever a new game or expansion is around the corner, … Read more

Shroud Refuses To Stream Destiny 2 For This Absurd Reason

Shroud has revealed why he doesn’t stream Destiny 2 to his audience, and the reason is actually quite absurd. Shroud is one of the most beloved streamers on Twitch. The ex-professional Counter Strike player turned his attention to full time content creation in 2017. After a brief dally with Mixer before it went bust, he’s … Read more

What Does Sony Buying Bungie Mean For Destiny 2?

Sony has purchased Bungie for $3.6 billion, but what does this acquisition mean for the future of Destiny 2? Microsoft made a huge move this year when they purchased Activision Blizzard. But Sony has fired back in 2022’s acquisition war, buying up the studio that once owned and created Halo, Microsoft’s most iconic game franchise. … Read more

The Best Games Like Halo To Play Right Now

Halo is a unique franchise, but that hasn’t stopped games like it from taking plenty of inspiration. With Halo Infinite finally out, and the Master Chief Collection going strong, Halo is in a pretty good spot right now. Fans of both new and old Halo titles have a lot to get stuck into. However, if … Read more

Destiny 2 Dawning Event Is Back – Here’s What’s New!

The Dawning is back in Destiny 2, featuring a new host of items to earn and things to do. The Dawning is a seasonal event that always arrives around Christmas/New Year time. It’s a free event that runs from December 14th to January 4th, and this year guardians can get involved with some new festive … Read more

How To Get The Halo Inspired Forerunner Sidearm In Destiny 2

Bungie’s 30th Anniversary is under way, and a new exotic sidearm called Forerunner has been added to Destiny 2. It’s inspried by the Halo: Combat Evolved Magnum, a weapon that became iconic overtime. It has a similar scope and deals big damage, making it a very unique sidearm that you’ll definitely want to get your … Read more