A crowded esports tournament

Here’s How Coronavirus Has Impacted Esports So Far

Over the last few months, coronavirus (COVID-19) has been spreading across the world, impacting early every single industry, including esports. In an effort to curb the spread of the virus, governments in many countries have begun to enact strict measures aimed at enforcing “social distancing”. This is a method that ensures people avoid prolonged close … Read more

Faker standing for a picture

League Pro ‘Faker’ Is Donating A Huge Amount To Fight COVID-19

As coronavirus continues to spread across the world, more and more games, consoles and events are getting cancelled or postponed. But despite this, many are doing their best to help, including LCK star and South Korean native Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok. Donations like Faker’s could go a long way towards helping those in need and getting … Read more